Question Description
This task requires you to write a 900-word argumentative essay on the topic below:
Choose one or two successful companies related to your degree programme. Discuss whether or not these companies demonstrated integrity in achieving their success, using evidence and examples of their business practices.
- Building on your knowledge of the career areas from the elective modules and research on your chosen degree programmes, develop your arguments in favour of and against this topic.
What is the structure of an argumentative essay?
Introduction (150 words) [use evidence/research throughout]
What is your question about?
(give the background to your topic)
Include some detail on the topic
(narrow your focus; what exactly are you focusing on? Who are the key ideas/ people involved/ organisations etc.?)
What is your opinion of this topic?
(this is your thesis statement)
How are you going to structure your arguments?
(this is the overview of your main arguments)
Body paragraph 1 – Point 1 (300 words) [use evidence/research throughout]
- Say why this is a key issue
What is the counter-argument of this issue?
(this is the opinion you do not agree with)
What is the main argument of this issue?
(this is your opinion)
Why is your argument stronger than the counter-argument?
Why is your argument stronger than the counter-argument?
- What can you conclude from this? What are the implications?
Body paragraph 2 – Point 2 (300 words) [use evidence/research throughout]
- Say why this is a key issue
- What is the counter-argument of this issue?
What is the counter-argument of this issue?
(this is the opinion you do not agree with)
What is the main argument of this issue?
(this is your opinion)
Glossary Portfolio
It is a collection of student work that shows evidence of learning and progress in one or more areas. This collection “represents a personal investment on behalf of the student that is evident through the student’s participation in the selection of the contents....and self-reflection” (Gisselle and Martin-Kniep, 2000).
Learning outcome
Learning outcomes are goals that describe how a student will be different because of a learning experience (Suskie, 2009). Discuss Investigate or examine by argument; debate; give reason for and against; examine the implications of the topic.