Stakeholder and Account Management

Case Study

Assignment task

The Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) is the organiser of RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show; known as the world’s largest annual flower show set in the historical palace at Hampton Court.

RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show takes place from Monday 2nd July 2018 to Sunday 8th July 2018. The event seeks to provide six days of horticultural displays and green-fingered fun. Attracting around 130,000 visitors and media coverage, attendees have the pleasure of exploring innovative show gardens and flower displays; access gardening tips and shop for garden supplies to create their own garden haven.

Having joined the team at The Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) you have been tasked with producing a report on stakeholder relationships and communications.

The report should include:

  • Introduction (150 words)

    A brief discussion of the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show and the history of The Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) (200 words)

  • Part A: Stakeholder analysis

    An explanation of stakeholder theory (100 words) (L01) Discussion on the importance of The Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) understanding stakeholders and stakeholder analysis (200 words) (L01) Identification and explanation of three internal, three connected and three external stakeholders relative to the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show event (200 words) (L01) An outline of the needs/interests of each identified stakeholder (200 words) (L01)......

  • Part B: Relationship marketing

    An investigation of the importance of relationship marketing (200 words) (L02) An explanation of the importance of The Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) adopting a relationship marketing approach with exhibitors of RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show event (300 words) (L02) The definition of trust and transparency in business (150 words) (L02) Explain how The Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) could enhance their relations with exhibitors through trust and transparency, provide examples (300 words) (L02).....



The Royal Horticultural Society is a gardening charity which operates in the United Kingdom. This organization promotes greenery and Horticultural through conducting flower shows (The Royal Horticultural Society, 2018). In this report, the light has been shed on the history of the Royal Horticultural Society and RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Along with this, the report also presents discussion regarding on what is stakeholder theory. Furthermore, the importance of the Royal Horticultural Society has also been explained in the report. A stakeholder analysis of the Royal Horticultural Society has also been conducted. In this regard, three external, three internal and three connected stakeholders have been identified. In addition to this, the need/interest of each stakeholder has also been identified. A power interest matrix of these stakeholders has also been developed in the report. Furthermore, significance of relationship marketing has also been explained and the ways in which RHS can enhance their relationship with exhibitors have been discussed too.

RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show and the history of The Royal Horticultural Society

RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Shows was started in the year 1990. This show was developed by Network Southeast and Historic Royal Palaces. In the year 1992, it was declared by Network Southeast that it is withdrawing its subsidy. After this, RHS took the show over after its successful bidding (Janick, 2008). Later in the year 1993, the first RHS Hampton Flower Shows was conducted and since then, this show has become the largest flower show in the world. In the first RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, Network Southeast started special trains and the porters of the railway were required to wear carnations in their hats.

RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Shows was started in the year 1990. This show was developed by Network Southeast and Historic Royal Palaces. In the year 1992, it was declared by Network Southeast that it is withdrawing its subsidy. After this, RHS took the show over after its successful bidding (Janick, 2008). Later in the year 1993, the first RHS Hampton Flower Shows was conducted and since then, this show has become the largest flower show in the world. In the first RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, Network Southeast started special trains and the porters of the railway were required to wear carnations in their hats.

Stakeholder Theory

This theory is an important topic for discussion in business ethics and organizational management. This theory is against the shareholder theory which suggests that shareholders are the only stakeholders of an organization and hence all the activities of an organization must be aligned with the interest of shareholders only. Contrary to this, the stakeholder theory suggests that along with the shareholders, there are several other stakeholders which includes employees, manager, government, customer, supplier, society, creditors, distributors, retailers etc., and a business organization must align its activities with the interest of all of the stakeholders in mind (Jones, Wicks and Freeman, 2017).

Importance of The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), understanding stakeholders and stakeholder analysis

One of the most important role played by the Royal Horticultural Society in the UK is making people aware of the importance of gardening activities. With these shows and events, the people get to observe the beauty of nature and hence a sense of protection of nature and greenery is developed among the spectators. Spectators of the Royal Horticultural Society’s shows include media, government, general public, etc. These are some of the major stakeholders of the organizations (Jones, Wicks and Freeman, 2017). The general public, government, suppliers, media & press, internal employees, shareholders, investors, company management and owners are the main stakeholders of the organization.

In order to conduct the stakeholder analysis of the Royal Horticultural Society, it is necessary that all of the stakeholders are classified on the 4 major categories which are key stakeholders, primary stakeholders, tertiary stakeholders, and tertiary stakeholders. In regard to the Royal Horticultural Society, the primary stakeholders include investors, suppliers and shareholders. Secondary stakeholders are general public, the government and creditors. The tertiary stakeholders are the people who are least affected and media/press can be considered as tertiary stakeholders of the organizations. Key stakeholders include general public, shareholders, investors and the government.

Identification and explanation of three internal, three connected and three external stakeholders relative to the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show event

Stakeholders can be classified on the basis of their value and influence, which has been done in the previous paragraph and stakeholders can be classified on the basis of their presence and activities. In this section, stakeholders have been classified on the basis of internal, external and connectedness of parties. The internal stakeholders of the Royal Horticultural Society include employees, managers and owners (Radzi et al., 2018). These are considered internal stakeholders because they are responsible for al l the activities and operations performed by the organization. Along with this, it should also be noted here that these internal stakeholders are responsible for managing all the other stakeholders as well.

External stakeholders are secondary stakeholders who are not directly associated with the company or organization (Radzi et al., 2018). In regard to the Royal Horticultural Society, the external stakeholders include the government, press/media and local communities. These stakeholders are not directly associated with the organization but they can influence the activities of the organization from the outside. Connected stakeholders are also known as the primary stakeholders of a company. The three connected stakeholders of the Royal Horticultural Society include the shareholders, the suppliers and the audience/general public. These stakeholders are the most crucial stakeholders for the organization as the activities of the company/organization will affect these stakeholders the most.

Needs/interests of each identified stakeholder

The need of the employees from the organization is that they receive a good work environment and suitable compensation for the activities performed by them. Along with this, the employees also want to maintain a cordial relationship with the employer, manager and the customers. The need/interest of the manager is to ensure delivery of task customer satisfaction. Along with this, the managers also want to ensure the compliance of organizational activities with the mission and vision of the organization. The need/interest of the owner of the company lies with the satisfaction of shareholders and other stakeholders. Along with this, the owner of the company also wants to maximize the fund collection from the events.

The government wants to ensure the safety of the people and that of natural resources. The shareholders want to maximize their profits on the amount invested from such events. Moreover, the customers and the local communities want to learn from these events and at the same time ensure the protection of society’s resources. The suppliers/distributors want to maintain a healthy work relationship with the organization. The need or press/media is to deliver information and communicate with the audience regarding the events conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Power Interest Matrix

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The power interest matrix helps in ascertaining the value of each stakeholder and hence it helps in understand the power of each stakeholder to influence the activities of an organization. The power interest matrix defines the value of the stakeholders on the basis of the power they posses to influence the organizational activities and the interest they hold towards those activities. The above matrix shows the position of various internal, external and connected stakeholders in the power/interest matrix (Horton and Pilkington, 2014). It can be analyzed from the above matrix that audience/general public and local communities have high power but low interest as they can influence the activities performed by the organization but they do not hold enough interest towards those activities of the Royal Horticultural Society. Similarly, it can also be evaluated that owners and shareholders have high power and high interest in the case of Royal Horticultural Society. It is because if anything goes wrong, the owner and the shareholders will suffer the maximum loss. This why, the stakes are for these two parties belonging to the Royal Horticultural Society.

Suppliers, employees and managers have low power but high interest as their job security depends on it. Along with this, their interest is high because it is their responsibility to ensure that all activities are effectively performed and the activities are able to achieve the set target. Furthermore, it is the duty of the supplier to ensure timely delivery of various items including flowers and other related items required for the organization of flower show. The government and media are to be informed as they are required to be kept informed.

Importance of relationship marketing

Relationship marketing refers to the technique or strategy used by business organizations to enhance their relationship with the customers in order to promote long term engagement with the customers (Priluck, 2015). Relationship marketing was developed in order to create strong bonds with the customers by proving them with relevant information which targets their needs, through promoting open communication. Relationship marketing helps in the promotion of product and services offered by a business organization. In the case of Royal Horticultural Society, relationship marketing can help in the promotion of the “green idea” which is to make people aware of the flora and fauna of the country. Along with this, relationship marketing can also help attracting more audience to the flower shows conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Moreover, relationship marketing also helps in obtaining international recognition which further leads to increased market value of the business organization (Priluck, 2015). In the case of Royal Horticultural Society, service marketing can help in increasing the market value of the business which will further facilitate the collection of funds for various events and flower shows and hence the ultimate aim of the organization will be achieved which is to maximize the awareness of the significance of greenery in the UK and across the globe.

How The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) could enhance their relations with exhibitors through trust and transparency

The Royal Horticultural Society can enhance their relationship with exhibitors through trust and transparency by making the entire event operation and process transparent. This includes information regarding fund collection, costing, expected size of audience, etc. This will help in developing cordial relationship between the organizers of the shows and the exhibitors. Along with this, it is also necessary that Royal Horticultural Society provides equal opportunity to all of the exhibitors to showcase their work. It has been observed that organizers are bias between exhibitors as a result of which, some of the exhibitors get more attention and others get too less attention from the audience. Such practices affect the motivation level of the exhibitors and hence it also adversely affects the relationship between the organizers and the exhibitors.

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